Friday, May 30, 2008

"Quantum touch"

This miracle of the healing process is called quantum contact me, because the work of healing happens on a quantum, or subatomic standard of living. It is the only level at the awareness does your question.

Quantum touch creates vibrations, higher energy; they affect the issue at the subatomic level. Secondly, this energy is moving up through the atoms, molecules, cells and tissues of the entire height of the bones and large parts of your body. The cure is the thinnest of large parts of the body. In other words, it heals the cause rather that the symptoms of the disease. Since these changes occur at the level of cells, are we on the situation in its entirety. We can not see and not the result of the process. We can not see at first hand the billions functions that are in our own cells, at any time.

If something changes in our body that we see occur on a larger scale. Something from May to improve your body or your pain disappears. But in reality, quantum key touch not only what you see before your eyes. It affects your cells. In fact, how does affect Quantum is very simple.

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